Sunday, January 2, 2011

Water Birth...Sort of....

Another break from the blog has occurred over the past week. But I have a REALLY good reason...promise!

Boy Bean decided he wanted to arrive early. :)
Boy Bean on his birthday! 12/28/10

My water broke at 2:45pm on Monday, December 27th....and he was born at 8:02am on Tuesday, December 28th.  He is healthy and strong and absolutely perfect. Promise to write a detailed birth story soon....but at the moment I have to just chronicle the one utterly-hilarious-gross thing that happened during delivery.

If you get queasy easily...don't read this post.  REALLY. 

My Love and my Mom were there for the duration of labor and delivery as was my nurse Colleen - who actually delivered Bitty Bean! - those three were my support team and they were AWESOME! Anyway, my labor kicked in at 7:15am (after some pitocin) and then at 7:50 things were getting dicey. I was laying on my side with My Love at my middle holding my leg ready for delivery....I was gripping his arm and focusing very much on each contraction.  My Mom was at my feet - she was my support for my other leg - and Colleen was sitting on the end of the bed keeping tabs on everything...
My Nurse Colleen, Boy Bean, and Me

Then came an urge to push.

So I did. 

And water EXPLODED all OVER My Love, My Mom, and Colleen. It literally shot out. My Love's pants were drenched...My Mom had so much fluid running down her arm that it filled her glove and she had to replace it! She actually ended up having to change all of her clothes because of how wet she was!...Colleen was just very lucky she hadn't been checking me right then - her chest was wet, but none got on her face!

And then they all got the giggles.

My Love, My Mom, and Boy Bean
Thankfully, they didn't let the giggles blast out - I was in deep concentration since the Boy Bean was about to arrive - but after he was born it was quite a hilarious moment!
Boy Bean just moments old
So, while I ended up not being able to have the water birth I had hoped for - at least somebody still got wet!

Copyright 2010


  1. LOLOLOL! You almost have to have been a Mommy to really appreciate this! But I do! Thanks for sharing, and glad everyone could laugh.

  2. oh my gosh - that's such a whitney story!! hahaha I hope Jonathan had some extra pants on hand!! haha :)

    Can't wait to meet Landon - he's beautiful! :)

  3. Well, then, sounds like a water birth to me!!!!! Congratulations Whit, Landon is beautiful!!

  4. Hahahaha that's a great story for when he grows up!

  5. this made me giggle! Congrats on a beautiful, healthy baby boy! Happy New Year! :)

  6. so happy you have a healthy baby boy!


Thank you for your thoughts and encouragement!