Well, I am about to deviate from my normal topic-wheel-house....this is not about the military, My Love, My Beans, Motherhood, emotional upheaval, or cleaning. It is, however, very much about me. So, if you are ready for a very introspective post....read on.
This Wednesday, at church, I had a
moment. You know, a moment where you
really, really wish you hadn't shown up because the
message was directly addressed to you? And it wasn't all butterflies and rainbows. One section of verses Pastor Dave brought up caused me to have that moment. And in an effort to be a fully-honest-blogger....I just have to share when I have a moment. (Thankfully, this is not a meltdown-in-the-middle-of-the-commissary moment, but it is a moment nonetheless)
Philippians 2:14-16
Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life - in order that I may boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor for nothing.
I have actually heard - and read - these verses before....quite a few times.
But I had not taken hold of them.
Registered their full impact.
Do everything without complaining or arguing.....
Everything really encompasses a
LOT. From the easy - enjoying snuggle time with the Beans... to the hard - figuring how to "do life" after you've slept 5-interrupted-hours the night before.
That would include laundry. And dishes. And sweeping.
And cleaning the bathrooms. And cleaning puke. And taking care of accidents.
And dealing with a constantly changing schedule for My Love. And deployments.
And not having the schedule go as planned.
And being teamed up with people that are not-my-very-favorite.
As I sat back and evaluated my conversations...both
verbally to people, and
mentally to myself....I realized I fall really,
really, really short.
I do A LOT with complaining and arguing. In fact, I am a very good pot-stirrer.
But here's the kicker. That whole non-complaining, not-pot-stirring, all-the-time business....is for a reason. And by being the opposite of those things (which is much closer to what I am) I am ignoring a key purpose of my life as a Christian.
...in order that I may boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor for nothing.
I want to run this race for a purpose. For
For Christ. But when I cave to that oh-so-natural desire for complaining, arguing, and pot-stirring....I am running backwards.
So this year, I am going to try to
NOT run in vain. I want to be a woman known for
NOT complaining,
NOT arguing, and being a peace-maker. It will be a challenge (as anyone who knows me can attest!) but I am going to try.
Because I'm God's girl....and I want to follow Him. In spite of my humanity.
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