But not this one.
This one, I'm gonna remember.
I assumed they had no idea what they were talking about. (I apologize to any fishing enthusiasts)
So I asked, "Jumping Bean, what do you do when you fish?"
"You sit. You wait. You are quiet. You might whistle. You have a pole and a worm...and a hat."
So far, she was pretty dead on. That confused me, because this 5 year old tornado of energy isn't exactly known for her ability to sit, wait, or be quiet.
In fact, she is known for quite the opposite. She is often found running as fast as she can for no reason. Even sitting down, something is always moving. She can project her scream to levels that should reach jet-decibel range.
So I asked a reasonable question:
"Jumping Bean, why do you think you would be a good fisher woman?"
Then my gloriously loud energizer bunny explained herself:
"Because, I'd be calm and quiet. That's why. I'm good at that."
And that, my friends, is a sweet, sweet moment.
Copyright 2012
too cute! <3