Well, Boy Bean hasn't show-cased his strong will yet; but since I know his parents quite well, I am certain he will not be compliant.
Today we had the treat of the "light commissary day" - we alternate between "big" and "light" days at the commissary. On "big commissary day" we have to drive *GASP* and creatively load the cart to full capacity. Soon - Very VERY soon - we will be a 2 cart family. Crazy.
So, that is what we were up to today. Normally it is a fun trip and the children are all fabulous.
Really, they are normally great!
They love to go to the commissary and get their cookie and help me treasure hunt for the items on our list. If they are good - they get to pick which shape of pretzel we bring home.
I indulge them, I know. ;)
As in - it was great! Fabulous! Wonderful!
No awkward-random-stranger encounters, only nice faces for me and my tribe, happy attitudes from all Beans, no whining, quick obedience, and listening ears were tuned to Mommy.
And then the wind changed. In a moment.
The moment I picked up the LAST item on our list.
And suddenly I'm stuck in the clearance corner with a loaded double stroller, a happy boy kicking his toes at my thighs, a singing-skipping-Jumping -Bean, an obedient-String-Bean-retying-her-shoe, and a Bitty Bean emitting shrill-ear-piercing-cries-as-she-kicks-and-screams-on-the-floor.
Why, oh why, was my sweet little 2 year old deciding to scream so hard I saw blood vessels pop on her face? Because she wanted me to hold her.
And I couldn't.
I tried to get her to calm down....although the older woman who suddenly joined me in the clearance corner did not think so. I heard enough "my, my" and tongue-clicking and teeth-sucking to be plenty aware that she thought I was handling it wrong.
By the way - teeth sucking? Most annoying sound ever. Drives me crazy. And I am the mother of four young children - I am FLUENT in annoying sounds.
These moments are really moments I hate. The moments where you have to stick to your guns and be consistent no matter how embarrassed you are, or you will PAY later.
So, I picked up the screaming-writhing-ball-of-anger and carried her sideways under my arm....the length of the commissary.... so we could have our standoff in the bathroom. Bitty Bean was trying to kick me (hence the side carry - much weaker kicks!), Boy Bean was giggling from the bouncy speed walk, I was pushing the loaded double-stroller with one hand, Jumping Bean was skipping behind me, and String Bean was covering her head in shame taking up the rear.
5 minutes later - all was solved.
So I thought.
We collected the stroller....unloaded all items....paid....re-loaded the stroller....and Bitty Bean decided to try round 2 of The-melt-down-of-the-century.
Moments like that I always have to say to myself - out loud - "I am more stubborn than you can dream of being." Somehow it helps me win the standoff.
In we all piled.
For 45 minutes. FORTY-FIVE MINUTES. 45 minutes!!!!!
Bitty Bean would not stop crying, screaming, and pitching a fit. All she wanted was for me to carry her. I know that is not a horrible request. But it was an UNREASONABLE request. There was no way that I could carry her home and push the groceries.
So for 45 minutes we parked in the bathroom at the commissary. With timed intervals of discipline occurring.
I mean, really, what else could I do???
We all streamed out of the stall and realized both of the other stalls were full and there was a line out the door waiting for the toilet.
Oh well. Public embarrassment is just a part of parenthood. Right? Right?!
Don't worry Bitty Bean. I'll have my turn when you are about 15. I'm plotting my revenge already.....
I was at the commissary today, too. Wish I had known you were there. I didn't go into the bathroom so that is probably how I missed you ☺ You're a good mom and doing a good job!
ReplyDeleteOh my oh my... this is bad, but I am laughing! I am so impressed that you stuck it out for 45 minutes!!!! Way to go mama!!! I think I'm laughing the most at the quote "I am more stubborn than you could ever dream of being!" haha When Mareto to pitch a fit (which isn't often, but then again he's not 2...) I say outloud, "mommy ALWAYS wins!" haha
ReplyDeletepretty little panties on the first pic left hand side, love to pull those off and get between her legs, smell the crotch while I cum in her
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, the handicap stall was occupied. Which meant the two eldest Beans followed protocol - they stood outside the small stall and sang quietly - so I know exactly where they are! - while Bitty Bean, Boy Bean, and I, had a pow-wow.
ReplyDeletepercal cotton bed sheet ,
fitted sheet ,