Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Cocoa Bean Moment....

My Jumping Bean. 

Words are not adequate for expressing how VERY much I love her.

Her sweet face.

Her wiggle bum.

Her excitement over what being all grown-up means.....

"Mommy,  I can't wait to be a grown up. Because THEN I will get to wipe my OWN Bum!"  
Jumping Bean, age 3 1/2.

Yes, my little love, you will.

Copyright 2011

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Check WILL Come!

So yesterday, something amazing happened.

I mean, totally-awesome-I'm-utterly-impressed-with-myself, AMAZING!

I ran.  On a trail.

For the longest distance and time I've ever done.

In. My. Life.

Granted, it was only 4 miles in 40 minutes - but I was riding high afterwards.

I was never one who wanted to exercise - ever.  But then I started being a constant Pod for Beans.  And suddenly, my metabolism decided to plummet.

Actually, it felt like my metabolism came to a sudden and complete stop.

Hence, my introduction to exercise.

Now, 4 beans later, I have begun training for my first ever 1/2 marathon.

 I started training for a 1/2 marathon when Bitty Bean was 2 months old, but injured my knee before race-day. I was doctor-ordered to rest for 4 months to let it heal.  Before the four months were up, the Pod was occupied with Boy Bean.

But I digress.

So here I am, an almost-29-year-old mama, forcing myself to lumber across track, field, and road, seeking a check mark on my bucket list.

My goal: 
Run the 13.1 miles of the Rock 'N Roll 1/2 Marathon in September in 130 minutes.

Will I succeed?  I don't know. I mean, at this point, the farthest I've ever run - IN MY LIFE - is the 4 mile/40 minute trail run of yesterday.  But it felt good. It was actually fun!  My body was strong and I was accomplishing a goal that was not mom-related.

I don't have to run to change diapers faster, fold laundry better, or clean my house more thoroughly.

It is for me.

As the woman I was pre-kids, the woman I want to be, the woman I'm capable of becoming.

And, I really, REALLY, like how less of my body jiggles with each mile.

Copyright 2011

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Party Time....

Okay, the cat is out of the bag.

In THIS house - we like to PARTAY. Seriously.

Nothing says "party time" like ruby slippers, a necklace, and mopping the floor while topless, right?! At least that's what it means to Bitty Bean.

But I just discovered that you can party on a blog! Who knew???

Obviously, NOT me.

My Boy Bean is SUPER excited!

Anyway, I'm attempting to join in the Ultimate Blog Party 2011.....

My Jumping Bean is ready to join.

This is a blog about life. My life. My life as a Navy wife, a Mama of 4, a Christ-follower, and a obsessive talker. 

Occasionally there is poop, pee, puke, snot, spit-up, and dirt mentioned.

Most of the time there is a lot of laughter.

Sometimes there are tears.

I'm not somebody amazing, or fascinating. I'm just somebody trying to live a life where being stagnant is uncomfortable, the "boring" moments are treasured, and each day is enjoyed because I got to live it.

Feel free to check out my exhausted ramblings.

Party on!

Copyright 2011

Friday, April 1, 2011

Just A Part Of Life....

As a military wife, separations from My Love are just part of life.

Not the best part. 

Kinda the very-worst-totally-awful-part.

But still a part of life anyway.

Tonight, while washing the dishes - just another "part!" - I realized those separations bring about many of the wonderfully-happy-lovely parts of my life.

Without the absence of My Love:

would I truly treasure the unadulterated joy brought by his presence?

would I register the sweetness of the mini-stampede caused by his return at the end of each day?

would I know how strongly-passionately-deeply, I love him?

would I know how strongly-passionately-deeply, he loves me?

I don't think so.

Don't misunderstand me.  It is completely possible TO know those things without an ocean between you, for months on end.  But I don't think it would have been so for me. I think I needed these times apart to remind me exactly who I married. To not lose sight of each other during the daily mundane.

He has been home three months now, and, while the reintegration was challenging at times (We did have a baby only 8 days after his return) figuring out our balance is completely worth the difficulty.

Although, the difficulty was actually not that difficult. 
It was more just exhausting.

I followed this man I love into a foreign world of military acronyms, separations, moves, challenge; because I had no choice.

 Once My Love was in my life - there was no other way it could be.

Pictures from November 2009 courtesy of Chani Rogers

And even though I took all his hair, I'm pretty sure he feels the same way.

Copyright 2011